Balckburn vs Leeds - 30. November - 16.00


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Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Balckburn vs Leeds - 30. November - 16.00

Opprettet 11/30/2013 5:58:41 PM Sist oppdatert 11/30/2013 5:58:41 PM
Nå må vi ikke gå på en smell i midtuka. Må få en seiersrekke
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Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Balckburn vs Leeds - 30. November - 16.00

Opprettet 11/30/2013 6:02:31 PM Sist oppdatert 11/30/2013 6:02:31 PM
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Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: Balckburn vs Leeds - 30. November - 16.00

Opprettet 12/1/2013 3:06:17 PM Sist oppdatert 12/1/2013 3:06:17 PM


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John Moon

Antall innlegg: 752
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"Sjakktrekk" fra Bowyer gjorde utslaget

Opprettet 12/2/2013 12:36:06 PM Sist oppdatert 12/2/2013 12:36:06 PM
Ifølge Wheelock i LT var det Bowyers taktiske grep som gjorde utslaget mot Leeds lørdag:

It was his tactical shift midway through the first half – moving David Dunn to the left, Josh King to the right and Chris Taylor into the centre behind lone striker Jordan Rhodes – that changed the course of the game after the Whites had starter the brighter.

It was a formation which Bowyer had devised on the training ground in the lead up to the clash and it certainly brought the best out of Taylor.

“I thought Chris Taylor was outstanding once he went infield,” said Bowyer.

Bowyer, whose side have now kept five clean sheets in their last six home matches, neglected to mention the role he played in the victory.

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ForumBlackburn RoversBalckburn vs Leeds - 30. November - 16.00